26 August 2007


This necklace is a real mystery,
I found it a while ago in a charity shop
for 5 Euros, I would like to know
where it is from as it is quite
an original design ...

If any of you who happened to stop by my
little blog have any idea please,
could you leave a comment?

I don't actually wear it, its way too big, I hung it
on my bedroom wall, my friend Bernie wore it for
Halloween last year when she was dressed as Cleopatra,
she looked the part!


  1. Anonymous6:16 pm

    Wow, what an interesting design. I can't get a sense of it's size but I'm sure if it worked as an Egyptian collar it must be quite large.

    Love those plates as well, especially the gray one. The pattern is lovely and love the gray color.

  2. Hmmm...it looks Cambodian - Khmer to me. Very lovely and I would wear it but I am a little crazy that way!

  3. I was going to say Indian maybe???

  4. Thank you for your suggestions, I will investigate further and will post any results!
